The beauty in the unknown

Friends….Summer break is so close, I can almost taste it. We have 2 weeks to go!!! All of us are getting antsy about summertime. It is starting to finally warm up here, which means pools, sunscreen/bug spray, and marshmallows over warm fires at night… it is so very close.

We have a BIG trip planned in the beginning of June to Colorado to visit some dear friends and family. One that is getting more exciting to us everyday. We were unlucky enough to have a mess with our flights last summer, and we all ended up with enough flying credit to fly to CO and back this summer for free. At the time I wasn’t happy about it, but now I am ecstatic!

We are also in the middle of a bathroom renovation. Every moment of this process makes me love my handy husband even more. I am so thankful for Justin’s skillset, and the fact that we are just crazy enough to do this on our own. I am going to document this as we go.. so stay tuned for picture in the next few weeks… or months.

Also, we just finished our home study update, which allows us to be valid for another year. There are so many things that we are praying for this time around. Some things that are the same, and some things that are very different. We have an opportunity on the horizon that could potentially put our family onto a different path than when we first set out on. I can’t fill you in on the details yet, because frankly we just don’t have enough information. However, please be praying specifically that if this door is to be opened, that God will allow it to open clearly, fully, and quickly.

The Beauty in Not Knowing Whats Next:

Often in life I have plans for my/our life that is etched in my mind to the most finite of detail. In my mind I have a set process to the way things are “supposed” to go. I know that once I do “that” then “this” will happen. Well the beauty in this great world we live in is that sometimes what we were going for doesn’t happen and we end up doing something completely different, but somehow it’s just right.

Justin and I’s marriage/life has been this way from the beginning. I feel like every time we make plans for our life and future, life has a funny way of throwing a curve ball in our directions. However, every curve ball has led to greater things. Even if I didn’t see it at the time. Even if the path was so much harder than I imagined. The end result was  worth the temporary pain.

Although God does have a will for our lives, we have the ability to freely choose what we do with ourselves.  I tell my children this everyday… “You can be ANYTHING you want to be. The options are endless.” Even though I look at their beautiful faces, and see how I want them to live and grow up, as they get older they have to freely choose a path for themselves. I think that is how God must think of us. God speaks in the Bible that he knows the plans he has for us in Jeremiah 29:11. He sees the path before us as we walk along it. He sees the choices that we make.

                                                                                                                                                                So, the questions I ask myself  “Is there beauty in not knowing the future? Is there beauty in not knowing how the plans turn out?” Everyday life is made up of a series of choices that I make which bring me to a certain place where an unknown something can intervene for the better or worse. I never know what is next, although all the time sometimes I wish I did!

I am learning this on a daily basis. Finding the beauty in our unknown….

Our unknown adoption timeline

Our unknown past health scares

Our unknown job situation over the years

Our unknown moves across the country and then 1/2 way back

Our unknown results from the daily choices that we make

I have to tell myself frequently to not worry about the unknown. I have to just know God has control. I still have to make choices. I still have to work hard. However, if I operate in faith, walk in the spirit, trust the process….then somehow I end up at the end of every unknown being thankful for all the steps that got me to that very moment.

I hope you learn to love the unknown… I know I am!


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