The cost of adoption is far more than a number.

adoption quote

I hear these questions all the time. “How much is adoption?” or “Wow, I could never do that?” or “Why would you spend that much money?”. Most of the time I smile and nod and try to answer those question to the best of my ability. However, in the reality of it all, adoption is expensive. Adoption is so very hard. Adoption is vulnerable. Adoption is….

Adoption is also so much more than a number on a the financial report. Adoption is a life. Adoption is giving so much more of ourselves than we could have imagined. Adoption is heart wrenching and heartwarming all at the same time.

I can’t tell you how many times I have cried just thinking of our future little girl and her mother. The sacrifice that her mother is giving for her daughter to have a different life. It is so very hard for me to comprehend the selfless decisions that she is making.

It is also hard to think that very soon we will be in a hospital holding our little girl for the first time.

As we wait for our match, will you please pray for us. We are working diligently on our table company. We are staying pretty busy with it, but can always use more business. We are also trying to close up our adoption puzzle fundraiser. We have an additional 350/500 pieces to finish it out. You can join us on that journey here.  We are also waiting for grants to come through (fingers crossed).

For those of you who are numbers people…

homestudy: 1,200   √
application fee: 250   √
Social Service Fee: 2,500 (mailing out August 1st) √
adoption fee upon placement : 13,500
attorney and 3 post visits: approx. 2,550

Total: approx. $20,000 (not including travel)

So, to answer all those questions 🙂 Yes, this is a lot of money. Yes, this makes my insides cringe and my palms sweat. However, I know that we are on our way, and we have come so far. To be honest, our total is far less than a lot of people pay for adoption. We are so blessed to have incredible people at an incredible agency walking along side us on this journey. We are so very excited to one day hold a newborn baby girl, look her into the eyes, and say welcome home, you have been loved by so many people for such a long time. It is all worth it. Every single bold step.





One thought on “The cost of adoption is far more than a number.

  1. It’s such a blessing to have people like you in this world some people don’t understand that these children need love and deserve to have a happy and safe home it’s people like you that make this world a better place. Love doesn’t have a price tag. Congrats to you I wish the best for your family.


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