September already…

This summer is quickly making its exit, and I couldn’t be more excited for fall. I have to say that we LOVE LOVE LOVE the fall around here. There is something about cooler temperature, the wind blowing, leaves changing and literally pumpkin everything that makes my heart smile. Although this Georgia summer is holding on strong, I am bent with anticipation of taking out my boots and putting away my flip-flops very soon.

Our little family of 5 is going full speed right now. We are jumping around every night to something different. I love it and hate it all at the same. It’s like a bad relationship I love when we are there in the moments seeing our babies shine and then by the weekend I am hating every single mention of practice or games. So.. for now I am raising my head high and choosing to love every..single..minute of… on every…single…night.

Tonight, I took a little break from the busy. Remember when I mentioned that I have the greatest co-leader in the world for my college group? Tonight, Louie Gigglio was speaking at the IgniteUGA event here in Athens. We had lined up to meet our college girls there and go. As I was leaving, Ethan comes running into the room with Harry Potter and with his big green eyes asked if we could read just 1 chapter before I left. Y’all that was it. I called Katie, backed out of tonight (she soooo graciously stepped in full-time), and I curled up on the couch and we read. Tonight, Ethan won!!! He needed to win tonight. He needed his mommy and I was more than happy to stay with him. (girls- don’t take that the wrong way, I did miss you terribly).

The verse that has stood out to me this past week is :Image-1.jpg

Isn’t this the greatest reminder of who He is. I love that Isaiah is telling us (me) to put our (my) trust in God fully. He is telling me to not be afraid. I don’t think Isaiah can be any clearer that this right here. My trust needs to be fully grounded in Him!!! Hold onto that this week. Put your trust in him… the big and the small.


Adoption Update:

We are nearly finished with all of our paperwork and I can’t hardly believe it. The county should be coming out to inspect our septic (?) to make sure it works in the next couple days… ummm it does work, but who I am to tell them. Then, we send in the final paperwork. That’s it! It just blows my mind. All this work is finally coming to a close… only to bring about a new different kind of work 🙂

We are also at a place where we need your prayers:

  1. That our paperwork is approved and we are given the green light asap
  2. For this baby girl and her family.
  3. For the Halleck5 as we work to become the Halleck6
  4. For our financial goals

Once this final paperwork is submitted, we are in real need of hitting our financial goal soon. We don’t have the time line of when this beautiful little baby girl will be making her arrival, but we do know that we need to be prepared for her at any given time. Our puzzle is starting to take shape. There are still so many pieces to sponsor. Check out our YouCaring site for more info and share it. We would love your support 🙂

God has been so good to us. He has led us down this path and has held our hand every step of the way. We are confident that he has this part too. Thank you for loving our family so well. You are part of her story too!

Until next time~

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