One piece at a time…

We are back into the hustle and  bustle of school and fall sports. School is in full swing and the kids are all involved in their separate activities: Emma- cheer, Weston- baseball/catcher, Ethan- football. I just picked up a new college group of freshman girls- who btw seem amazing. I am so lucky to have a great co-leader, Katie. I am so excited she is on this journey with me. She brings such a calm demeanor to my crazy. Justin is coaching Ethan’s team with his good friend Stephen. They are having a blast. It really is fun seeing the two of them in action. Justin also just returned from 6th grade Bootcamp and he and the AC student team are in the middle of planning for fall VR. So.. basically I am saying the Halleck5 are B.U.S.Y.!!!  But, we are loving every minute of it. It’s one of those seasons in life that is flying by quicker than we can blink. I literally had to catch my breathe after reading  back through all of that.

*Also, this is not to say that it has been easy… we are multitasking with 5 schedules and there are days when 1, or all 3 kids, or both parents have had complete breakdowns trying to keep up..haha!- I laugh to say sane. Seriously though- look how cute they all are!


For those of you who know me, know that I tend to be a control freak. However, married to such a hottie, a full time job, 3 kids, 2 dogs, a cat and a bunny tend to loosen any one person up. I have gotten better- time has been good to me in that respect. However, this adoption process has brought back a lot of those feelings and tendencies. God has been laying on my heart lately to completely put my trust in him.  Every prayer, every moment I feel overwhelmed…  I hear him softly whisper  “Trust me, I have this!” It’s such a wonderful feeling to let go of my stress and my worries to him. Who better to have my back than my heavenly Father who loves me so much.

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Speaking of adoption…A lot of people have been asking about our adoption and where we are at. Here is the update:

We are a good portion through out home study paperwork. We should be completed with the bulk of it this week as well as our fingerprinting. Then, we are almost done! I can’t even believe we have made it so far. WooHoo! I am not kidding when I say that a homestudy is like a 2nd job- especially with 2 agencies with different paperwork. So worth it,…many…boxes…to…check! Our hopes is to have it completed by the 2nd week of September!!! Also, our favorite saying right now is “Check That BOX!” However,  you have to do it and imagine that the Price Is Right music is playing behind you! Try it… go on.. Feels good, Right? #somanyboxestocheck

We started a puzzle fundraiser last month and it has been such a blessing to our family. We have seen God already work through our family and friends in ways we would have never expected. We have raised about $500. This is a large amount of money and we are so thankful. Each piece is so special to us.  We still have plenty of pieces if you would like to contribute. Here is the link to our YouCaring Site:

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Thanks for loving our family so much. We can’t wait for all the wonderful surprises this next year is going to bring us.

~With Love